A Game I Made: Journey To The Cursed City

Tonight is election night in the United States so probably not a great moment to try and post anything with the hopes that anyone will notice. Nevertheless, I’m posting a link to a game I made. It runs in a browser and is mobile friendly.

For the last few months I’ve been working on a small, short narrative game using the program, Bitsy. Bitsy is a really simple “game engine” where you can quickly make 2D pixel games. There’s no sound, no physics, no projectiles, nothing like that.

But it’s simplicity can also be it’s strong point since it means it is easy to use and encourages you to be very focused in your design. Here’s my game:


It is a game set in a fantasy world of my own creation. You basically just walk around and listen to what characters have to say. It’s very much focused on lore, worldbuilding, and storytelling.

There’s a few minor puzzles, but the key mechanic is that many villages don’t speak your language. So, you have to find books of their language to increase your fluency.

If you like lore or worldbuilding then this game might be your cup of tea.

Hope you play it and I hope you enjoy.

Speak, mortal, if you dare...